Well, this is why I don't have time to blog, knit or anything else for that matter, in the summer. I am having fun with my little ones! We did a facial mask and relaxed with cucumbers on our eyes. Unfortunately, right after I cut the cucumbers up for my three, my littlest started to cry. Upon asking her what was the matter, she replied, "I forgot we were supposed to put the cucumbers on our eyes and I ate mine!" I laughed so hard and thought to myself, "this is why I don't mind if my knitting is on hold."
I finally have my camera working, but have completely forgotten how to get to flicker and back again for posting pictures. I need to call my friend Karen. She is a computer guru and can answer any question or if you are looking for her to make a badge or create a beautiful blog, she's your girl.
Time to go fold a ton of laundry and read a little with the kiddies. Tomorrow is, "So you think you can dance?" on Fox. We LOVE this show and try never to miss it. Benji is one of our favorite dancers. We love his West Coast Swing. If you haven't watched this show, it's on Wednesday at 8pm est and then again Thursday at 9pm est. It's sort of like "American Idol" except it is based on dancing rather than singing. Great show.
O.k., off to my children. Loves of my life............