I finally got my pictures to post. I did something really ingenious.... I restarted my computer! Duh, I am really in need of a computer class. My chicklet knows more than I do. My circular case came out cute. Not perfect because of the way the felting finished. It was not a perfect rectangle and then I made the lining for the needles and really noticed it. But, all-in-all, I like what it looks like and is giving me a place for all my needles. I am working on a purse now that is definitely not working out well. The pattern was WAY off. I am interested in looking at the finished, felted piece though, so I don't want to pull it apart. Thought it would be a learning experience if I just kept going and saw what happens to it. If it is way too small, one of my little ones will love it anyway. I am starting a knitting class next week with some kids at school. This will be the third session this year and I am so happy to see the results of it. I usually have about ten kids start the class. They range from somewhat knowledgable to not a clue what to do with knitting needles. At the end of the classes, I end up with ten happily knitting little girls that chat and knit and just look absolutely adorable sitting there with their newly found skill. I feel like I have done something they will always look back on and say, "I really loved that knitting class when I was little." Gives me a smile at the end of my day!
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