I am so happy.... Look at my pretty blog! Now, I feel complete. I am such a geek. O.k., this is what happen. I decide I am going to have a blog of my own. After reading all the great knitting blogs out there, I thought I would like to join the bandwagon. Little did I know it's not that easy. I had to reach out for some help, and help I got. I cannot believe how kind the knitting community is when you ask for some assistance. A wonderful girl, who had a cool blog that I liked, e-mailed me back and started me on my "blog journey." Karen not only fixed all my problems, but went out of her way to help me. Thank you so much, Karen! I love how the blog came out and now I am enjoying adding my little snipets here and there to make it my own.
As far as knitting goes, my sticks have gotten a little cold. I did work on the "flip-flop saga" yesterday while I was sitting at dance class for my chick. I want to get rolling on a black to-be-felted purse, but have had a heck of a week. Thankfully, it is friday and I can start relaxing now. (My chicklet was at a week long sleep away gig for school and I was a nervous wreck, but her sweet little body is sawing zzz's upstairs as I am typing and I am so happy. All my chicklets are back in the nest!)
Now, I am off to try and knit a few rows while my house is quiet. By the way, isn't this weather AWESOME? I walked/jogged 5 miles yesterday and can't wait to do that again today. Thank the Lord the snow and freezing temps are gone! (Now I hope I didn't jinx myself!)