Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oh happy day.... It's FINALLY Spring!

Wow, I don't know how my blogging friends blog every day. I can barely seem to blog once a week and look, it's been a month! I usually slow down alot since it's Spring now. I LOVE being outside and now that the weather has been nice, I have been doing lots of yard work and exercising. The yard needed just basic clean up and some mulching. My husband and I spread six yards of mulch at the swing set and now we are on to the front beds. I am so happy to be outside and not stuck inside from it being cold, I will do just about anything in the yard. Well, I can't mow. Tried that and it's too hard. Even with a tractor, I don't like to empty the bags. Too heavy! I haven't done much knitting unfortunately. I started a summer sweater and so far, it looks like I don't have the right gauge even though I swatched and thought it was correct. So, back in the basket it went until I feel the urge to try again. Life is good when I am knitting something that actually comes out nicely. I get so mad when I knit and knit and it ends up terrible. Oh well, knit and learn. I will probably start a felted bag project next. Those I love since I can't mess them up easily. Cross your fingers for me.....